An Interactive Design System for Pop-Up Cards with a Physical Simulation
Computer Graphics Inernational 2011
Satoshi Iizuka, Yuki Endo, Yoshihiro Kanamori, Jun Mitani, Yukio Fukui
University of Tsukuba

We present an interactive system that allows users to design original pop-up cards. A pop-up card is an interesting form of papercraft consisting of folded paper that forms a three-dimensional structure when opened. However, it is very difficult for the average person to design pop-up cards from scratch because it is necessary to understand the mechanism and determine the positions of objects so that pop-up parts do not collide with each other or protrude from the card. In the proposed system, the user interactively sets and edits primitives that are predefined in the system. The system simulates folding and opening of the pop-up card using a mass-spring model that can simply simulate the physical movement of the card. This simulation detects collisions and protrusions and illustrates the movement of the pop-up card. The results of the present study reveal that the user can design a wide range of pop-up cards using the proposed system.
- Satoshi Iizuka, Yuki Endo, Jun Mitani, Yoshihiro Kanamori, Yukio Fukui: "An Interactive Design System for Pop-Up Cards with a Physical Simulation", The Visual Computer (Proc. of Computer Graphics International 2011), 27, 6, 605-612, 2011. [PDF (0.9MB)]
- 飯塚里志,遠藤結城,三谷純,金森由博,福井幸男: "物理シミュレーションを用いたポップアップカード設計支援システム",Visual Computing/グラフィクスとCAD合同シンポジウム2011, 2011-6.[PDF (6.3MB)]
- 飯塚里志,遠藤結城: "バネマスモデルを用いたポップアップカード設計支援ツールの開発", ソリューション型研究開発プロジェクト2010年度研究成果報告(CS Technical Reports Special Issue on "Program for Develpment of ICT Solution Architects"), 61-68, 2011.
Download "PopupCard_ver1.0.1" for Windows (1.8MB)Press
- 日刊工業新聞 第19面 "開くと飛び出すカード ‐ 初心者でも簡単作成", 2011/5/26. Web版の記事